A few weeks ago I introduced my Electricity OWL Intuition-E Monitor program, and it looks like I'm getting a few downloads, but interestingly no feedback yet.
I've now updated the program to v1.1 which has the following enhancements:-
- adds the ability to save an image of the energy usage chart via the click of a button
- adds the ability to save an image of the energy usage chart at the end of the day before reset
- adds a energy usage summary report that is saved at the end of the day
The update can be downloaded from here.
Please let me know what you think and suggest enhancements. I'm currently contemplating turning it in to a Windows 10 universal app so I can add it to the Windows Store, but then it won't run on Windows 7 or 8 - is this a problem.
Use the contact form on this site or use twitter (@quiggles) to let me know your thoughts.